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Scheduled Task (Change)

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Change a Scheduled Task

The purpose of this maintenance function is to allow you to change the scheduling properties of a given Task.

Task Name

The Task Name as defaulted by the Binding ID



The Task Description as defaulted from the Binding ID


Process Name

The Internal Process name as defined by TagNet (not relevant to user and non changeable)


Function Name

The Internal Function name as defined by TagNet (non changeable - this is the Binding URI value)


Event Binding ID

The Event Binding ID as defined by User during creation

Job Name

The Job Name associated with Task when when executing this task


Last Run Time

The Last time the Task was run



The frequency in submitting task events. This would be either Daily or Weekly


Days of the Week

hose days of the week you wish to run the Task (enable checkbox for each day)


Schedule From

The time (24hr clock) that the Task should begin executing


Schedule To

The time (24hr clock) that the Task should cease executing



The time period interval that the Task is submitted within the Schedule From/To times



That Run status of the Task; Active (will initiate if the Event Monitor is started or by using the Run link), Inactive (is ignored by the Event Monitor and the Run link) or Manual (Event Monitor will ignore but can be started manually using the Run link).




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