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Add Employee

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Add an Employee Profile

Last Name

The Last name of Employee


First Name

The First name of Employee


Badge Number

The internally assigned unique identifier currently issued to that individual such as an assigned Employee ID or Badge ID. This is used to identify an individual during the PEV Check-in /Check-out process, as well AssetTrack mobile applications.



The image associated with that Employee



The Company associated with the Employee


The Trade associated with the Employee



The current status of the Employee record


Authority Level

This is a UDA required to run the AssetTrack mobile modules system. If value = 'admin' then user can access and change the properties of the AssetTrack module

User Login

This is a UDA required to run the AssetTrack mobile modules



This is a UDA required to run the AssetTrack mobile modules



This button submits the add request for the Employee and validates the data before adding.


Cancel Changes

Cancels any changes made and returns to the main Employee list



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