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Log Physical Counts

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Log Physical Counts to Session - Manual Mode


This is Step #4 of the process that basically adds all the RFID physical counts to the Session count as 'found.


Session ID

Session identifier typically it can represent the location and the date as shown in example


Session Description

Description about the session which is viewed in many areas of TagNet


Device ID

Not applicable for a manual count session as there can be multiple devices used in count


Created Timestamp

The date and time the Count Session was created


Session Comment

This is optional however enter any additional information about the count that can be used to further describe the nature of the count


Number of Tags

The total number of tags based on the [Log] or [Synchronize] option. Note this will not appear until the [Synchronize] step is performed.



The Count Session Status


Location ID and Log Date

Select the Logical Reader location ID that links to the Handheld readers that performed the physical count.

The Log Date text box will default with the current date. If you are including counting activity from a previous day you must backdate to the date counting was started.

After selecting the Location ID and verifying the Log Date press the Submit button. This will associate any counted tags from that location and date with the current count.  **Note: This process may take up to 20 minutes to complete



Enables adding the Inventory locations to selected Count Session (click Add button below to jump to that section)



Adds the actual count logging to selected Count Session (click Log button below to jump to that section)



Synchronizes all inventory for the locations added in step #8. (click Synchronize button below to jump to that section)



Commits the physical counts to perpetual inventory (click Synchronize button below to jump to that section)



Returns back to the main PI Maintenance page


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