Binding Function |
Binding ID |
Binding Description |
Fixed Reader Physical Inventory |
Purpose |
This Binding is used for initiating a 'Full' inventory count of a given RFID enabled Cabinet based on a trigger event (i.e. door is closed). When evoked it compares the tags it sees to the perpetual inventory location of that Cabinet location. It calculates the delta (+ or -) then posts transaction adjustments if inventory was added, removed (or both). The inventory difference can be integrated with external systems by means of the the Endpoint post feature.
Logic |
Collects whatever tags are seen during a read event cycle from a given cabinet and performs the following logic: üIf detected, a new tag is moved to the read point location specified in Read Point Maintenance. Missing tag will be subjected to an IMOVE rule and if none present will look for a PI_TRANSFER entry. Sends out email notification if IMOVE has [EMAIL] keyword anywhere in description. üIf the cabinet door is opened before read cycle is completed (trigger event is received), the Inventory process can be canceled as the count accuracy could be compromised. This is a setting at the reader level (Advanced Settings). üEmployee badge can be captured during event cycle. üEmptied tags from read point location will generate inventory transactions üEvent Payload delta can be integrated to other systems by means of the Endpoint post directive üResolves each tag to its mapped object attributes (Product or Asset) and pushes them in real time to the PEV display Client. üSupports full GPIO script as a result of standard MATCH / NOMATCH / NOTAG variables. üSupports all Filter keywords (including *RSSI, *PRODTYPE, *ANTENNA) üSupports Binding Email Exceptions
Restrictions |
None identified |
Files Updated |
RFDLOCIN, RFDLOCIH (Insert), RFDTAGVS (tag last seen by Location/Reader/Ant), RFDTAGPR (tag last seen globally), |
Comments |
Program Name |
URI set to RFDFULL. Optionally the URI can include the endpoint location of Endpoint Post option selected. |
Binding Setup |
Binding Properties |
Email Notification |
The email address to send binding specific alerts. Note: This overrides the default SMTP Recipient value under System Settings |
Inventory Movement Rules |
In the example below, the Inventory Movement rules are set to *RESULTSET (along with Log Result Set) which is used if Dwell is specified. Refer to the the Binding Change for detailed explanations of each directive. |
Specifies whether the calculated inventory delta should be send to an HTTP endpoint (for integration purposes). Must specify IP Address and URI to implement. Refer to the XML details below. ** this feature superseded with trigger on LOCIH to update EF. |
The below XML is sent to the Endpoint listener
Action |
HTTP Post |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <InventoryDeltaReport> <InventoryAdjustments LocationID="CAB1" Alias="100" ReaderID="CAB1-RDR"> <InventoryAdjustment TagID="12345" ItemID="100" Level1="ELLSWORTH" Level2="CUST1" Level3="CAB1" Level4="" Level5="" RRN="500,501"/> <InventoryAdjustment TagID="12346" ItemID="200" Level1="ELLSWORTH" Level2="CUST1" Level3="CAB1" Level4="" Level5="" RRN="502,503" /> <InventoryAdjustment TagID="12347" ItemID="200" Level1="ELLSWORTH" Level2="CUST1" Level3="CONSUMED" Level4="" Level5="" RRN="504,505" /> </InventoryAdjustments> </InventoryDeltaReport> |
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