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This queue manages the synchronization of asset department ownership (assigned) to the TagNet inventory module to keep the two systems aligned. The 'assigned' department is imported along with other asset data into TagNet's Asset Master from a 3rd party Metrology system (such as BMRAM).  There is a trigger on the Asset UDA table (RFDASSEX) that monitors any changes to the 'DEPT' UDA and inserts a request into the IMOVE queue table (EF.InventoryMovementQueue). The queue request starts as 'waiting' status (see below) and is processed by the ImoveQueue job that attempts to update the Asset Tag's 'inventory' department Level 3. If successful an [OK] is issued and transaction history (RFDLOCIH) is updated, if unsuccessful due to the change violating the Inventory location matrix an [ERROR] is issued with result message. Regardless whether the update is successful or not, an email alert is sent out based on the TagNet Systems settings.

This inquiry is a diagnostic tool to monitor that the TagNet Level Relationships have been setup correctly to allow an IMOVE rule to take place (as a result of Asset Department change as above). In a dynamically changing location management environment whereas the location matrix is in flux, this could cause contention with IMOVE rules not current with the location matrix. This is more apparent when a level is introduced such as 'Dept' that introduces a logical ownership into the location matrix. They end result is that an existing inventoried tag could have been in a valid location, but when being evaluated for an IMOVE rule, the target location in the IMOVE may no longer exist because the departments have been realigned.  An example of the resulting email alert showing error can be seen here.

Request Time

The Timestamp when IMOVE request was made


Request Status

The request status (Waiting or Processed)



The TAGID that was moved


Process Time

The Timestamp when IMOVE event was processed


Result Status

The status of the IMOVE request


Result Message

The resulting message from the IMOVE request to Server


Action Links

These hyperlinks perform the following functions:



Enables drill-down to the request details


Example Email Alert from IMOVE Request (v2/IMOVE or IMOVE queue).



Trigger on LOCEX when change on UDA value of 'DEPT'



 IMOVE Queue setup Objects

Update Trigger and IMOVE Queue.SQL


Date: April 15th, 2019

Author: Darryl Christensen

Dependencies: Extension Framework

Description: This trigger will capture any changes to the DEPT Asset UDA and

insert a "sync" request to the InventoryMovementQueue table. Note this table

is added with the Extension Framework version. Once in this table, a

job must be setup to trigger a sync request.


USE TagNet






















          'Asset UDA Department Changed',


















          DECLARE @AssetId CHAR(30);

          DECLARE @AssetUdaElement CHAR(30);

          DECLARE @AssetUdaValue VARCHAR(256);


          SELECT @AssetId = i.RFDASXAST FROM inserted i;

          SELECT @AssetUdaElement = i.RFDASXELM FROM inserted i;

          SELECT @AssetUdaValue = UPPER(i.RFDASXVAL) FROM inserted i;


          /* Only make changes if the UDA being updated is the Asset 'DEPT' attribute */

          IF @AssetUdaElement = 'DEPT'


                              DECLARE @AssetTagID CHAR(30);

                              DECLARE @AssetLevel1 CHAR(10);

                              DECLARE @AssetLevel2 CHAR(10);

                              DECLARE @AssetLevel3 CHAR(10);

                              DECLARE @AssetLevel4 CHAR(10);

                              DECLARE @AssetLevel5 CHAR(10);


                              DECLARE @IlvlrRrn DECIMAL(15,0);


                              /* Get the current asset location */

                              SELECT @AssetTagID = a.RFDASTGID FROM XDEMOLIB.RFDASSM a WHERE RFDASSTID = @AssetId;


                                        @AssetLevel1 = l.RFDLVL1ID,

                                        @AssetLevel2 = l.RFDLVL2ID,

                                        @AssetLevel3 = l.RFDLVL3ID,

                                        @AssetLevel4 = l.RFDLVL4ID,

                                        @AssetLevel5 = l.RFDLVL5ID

                              FROM XDEMOLIB.RFDLOCIN l WHERE RFDTAGUID = @AssetTagID;


                              INSERT INTO EF.InventoryMovementQueue





















                                        'Asset DEPT has been changed to ' + @AssetUdaValue + '. The Asset will be put in a queue to have the inventory location synced with the new DEPT.',

















Download Link 

 Click this link to down load ZIP of objects to implement

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