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Viewer Settings

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Event Viewer Settings

This configuration enables customizing the Event Viewer via filters and other settings that control behavior of the the Event Viewer.

Location Filters

One or many Reader Location filters can be applied via a checkbox selector


Reader Filters

One or many Reader filters (that are linked to the selection Locations) can be applied via a checkbox selector


Antenna Filters

One or many Antenna filters (that are linked to the selected Readers) can be applied via a checkbox selector


UDA Group

A specific UDA Group can be added that only show those Attributes configured in that group


Auto Sort

When value is Yes, then the Viewer list will be sorted by last read event


Auto Expand

When value is Yes, then for each Tag the extended details will be displayed by default. This includes the location inventory and UDA group.


Auto Clear

When value is Yes, then the Viewer list will be cleared based on the Auto Clear Duration value below


Auto Clear Duration

This is the dwell value in milliseconds before a given Tag in the Viewer list will drop off.


Attribute Columns

This value controls how the UDA attributes are painted across the viewer screen. For example, if '2' is selected then the UDA's will be formatted into 2 columns, if 3 then three columns.  This allow customization by the end user as to what looks best for them.


Show ERP

When value is Yes, then the ERP Item number will be displayed instead of the GTIN.


Log To Console

This is used for debugging purposes only when enabled to Yes.


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