Edit Outbound Queue Transaction
This function enables changing/updating values specific to a Transaction:
Tag ID
The TagID associated with the transaction
Item ID
The Item mapped to the Tag ID
The tag quantity associated with the transaction
The Transaction type as defined in TagNet
Source Levels
Source Levels of where Tag as moved from in transaction
Target Levels
Target Levels of where Tag as moved to in transaction
Transaction Time
The time of the base TagNet Transaction
Bin ID
The Bin or Container ID mapped to the Tag
Employee ID
The Employee associated with transaction (if populated)..
Lot Number
The Tag Lot Number (if populated)
Lot Status
The Tag Inventory Lot Status (if populated)
The Transaction reference
Reason Code
The reason code associated with the Rule
Rule Name
The Rule Name that transaction made a match on
Processed Time
The time the transaction was sent out
Result Status
The current status of the outbound transaction (can be changed)
The Transaction was just created and awaiting to be processed. Note that there is an intended delay to allow for adding attributes after the native transaction is created but before the outbound queue is processed. Click here for more info on that workflow.
(Status ='0')
The Transaction is currently being processed. (Status ='1')
The Transaction was successfully processed and sent to the endpoint with no errors returned in the response. (Status ='2')
The Transaction attributes did not make a match on the outbound rules. (Status ='3')
A matching Rule was found but the Rule was disabled. (Status ='4')
The Transaction was processed however the endpoint returned an error. (Status ='5')
Result Message
The Result message as send back by the endpoint
Save Button commits changes to the Rule
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