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Product Example (Container)

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Product Commissioning & Mapping Example (Serialization)

Shown below is an example of mapping a single tag with a product number along with populating the Container field which can imply serialization.


After Read & Before Mapping Update


Tag Reader ID

A dropdown of all Physical Reader defined in the Reader Management module



This is a logical grouping number that can define such things as Pallet ID, Container ID, Serialization, document ID, Case or box number, etc.


Item Number

Enter the Item Number or Asset ID to be mapped. Using the [Search] button will enable a search of Item numbers, enabling a selected Item to be pulled back into this input field



Reads any tags in the antenna field of the chosen Reader and displays them in list. This step is highly recommended in knowing exactly what tags could be potentially written to/processed. 



Reads any tags in the antenna field of the chosen Reader, overwrites the unique ID of the tag(s) and associates that ID with the entered Container and Item ID.


Map Only

Reads any tags in the antenna field of the chosen Reader, and associates that ID with the entered Container and Item ID.


UnMapped Counter

Adds up the number of Unmapped tags in read zone. Not used for Asset Commissioning as only one occurrence of asset can be commissioned at a time




After Update


Shown below is the results after processing the tags using the [Commission/Map] button from above.


Mapped Counter

Indicates the Tag was successful Mapped


Mapped Tag

The resulting attributes of the Mapped Tag




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