Binding Function |
Binding ID |
Binding Description |
Purpose |
This Binding will notify a subscribing system of Inventory state changes of tagged objects as they are seen at RFID Portals / Read Points. This has been used to to notify APIGEE (Cloud based API broker) when Finished Goods (FG) are seen on a production line. APIGEE would consume this RFID event and route the update to the ERP on the back end. When a FG item (e.g. recliner) is seen at a given read point on the conveyor (e.g QA, Packing, Pint & Apply), it is moved to its new inventory location (via IMOVE rule) and provides an event notification to APIGEE that a given serialized FG item has reached that point. TagNet will pass the FG serial # (mapped to the TagID) and the location it occurred as shown below in JSON document example
Note: this binding is used in conjunction with an inbound REST API that commissions the FG Item (sent from the Labelware) as shown below in JSON document example. The Serial # of the FG Item will be commissioned as the TagID and this will be associated with a generic Item Number. TagNet will not have any awareness of the Object details other than the Serial #. Refer to TagNet Web API section for details.
Logic |
This Binding function performs the following logic: üCollects whatever tags are read during a given read event cycle from a given portal, and sends them in real time via REST API. üSupports full GPIO script as a result of standard MATCH / NOMATCH / ERROR / NOTAG variables.
Restrictions |
Comments |
This binding can be tested with the POSTMAN Utility |
Files Updated |
Program Name |
URI set to RFDUEVT |
Binding Setup |
Binding Properties |
Email Notification |
The email address to send binding specific alerts. Note: This overrides the default SMTP Recipient value under System Settings |
Dwell Time |
Dwell time prevents the tag from being included in the web service request when seen again at the same gate when vehicle dwells there. Refer to the the Binding Change for detailed explanations of this directive. |
Inventory Movement Rules |
In the example below, the Inventory Movement Rules are set to *YES. Refer to the the Binding Change for detailed explanations of each directive. |
See sample JSON below:
Action |
{ "SerialNumber": 123456789, "Location": { "Primary": "ASHLEY", "Level1": "RIPLEY", "Level2": "CNVYR_TRAY", "Level3": "", "Level4": "" } } |
{ "SerialNumber": [ 123456789, 123456890 ] } |
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