Binding Function |
Binding ID |
Binding Description |
RPC (Remote Procedure Call) to IBM iSeries |
Purpose |
This Binding calls a SQL/400 Stored Procedure via RPC. These are filtered business events passing the new location state of a given object (e.g. Kanban cart) only when it changes. The backend iSeries system consumes these tag events to manage their Kanban process,
Logic |
Collects whatever tags are seen during a read event cycle at a given RFID enabled choke point and performs the following logic: üDetermines if the tagged object has changed its inventory state by means of evaluating TagNet IMOVE rules. üIf inventory state has changed, sends out Tag Event payload via RPC and waits for Reply State from the Customers system ❖Object ID (Asset ID or Product/Part #) ❖Date and time stamp (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) Ex: 20190603134128 ❖Transaction Type (e.g. IMOVETRANS) ❖New Inventory Location (up to 5 levels as configured in your TagNet Location matrix) üIf RPC call is successful then processed flag is updated to 'Y' in RFDLOCIH. üSupports Binding Email Exceptions. Email notification is sent when an error is encountered. üUser name/password required to access the target database. üData can be sent to a PEV and can be limited to tags with IMOVE rules by enabling the result set logging. üYou can use the DNS name of AS400 or the IP address üThis method provides a very easy recovery model if the synchronous connection between two Servers drops for any reason, there is one simple table (RFDLOCIH) that can be accessed for ‘unprocessed’ events’.
Restrictions |
Stored Procedure name and library are compile time in Binding. |
Comments |
Steps to debug the JDBC connection: ❖Execute either of these SQL commands to confirm SQL Database name: ØSELECT CURRENT_SERVER FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 ØSELECT CURRENT SERVER FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 ❖Binding can be changed to use either of the following (replace SQLDATABASE with the result from the SQL command above): Øjdbc:as400://10.82.106.XXX/SQLDATABASE; Øjdbc:as400://10.82.106.XXX;database name=SQLDATABASE ❖Confirm the SQL port on the iSeries: ØEnter WRKTCPSTS on an iSeries command line and select Option 3 (Work with TCP/IP connection status). ØPress F14 to sort the port numbers in numerical sequence. ❖Confirm there is no firewall restrictions between the TagNet Windows instance and the iSeries |
Files Updated |
RFDLOCIN, RFDLOCIH (initial Insert & update processed flag after RPC successful), RFDTAGVS (tag last seen by Location/Reader/Ant), RFDTAGPR (tag last seen globally) |
Program Name |
URI set to RFDIPRC |
Binding Setup |
Binding Properties |
Email Notification |
The email address to send binding specific alerts. Note: This overrides the default SMTP Recipient value under System Settings |
Dwell Time |
Dwell time prevents the tag from being included in RPC when seen again at the same read point when cart dwells there. Refer to the the Binding Change for detailed explanations of this directive. |
Error Recovery |
The number of reattempts to connect and delay in between. Refer to the the Binding Change for detailed explanations of this directive. |
Action |
RPC Parameters |
call LIBLM7.SP701P1(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
Parameter 1: RFID_ObjectID, IN, varchar(20) Parameter 2: RFID_DateTime, IN, varchar(14) Parameter 3: RFID_TransactionType, IN, varchar (10) Parameter 4: RFID_PrimaryLocation, IN, varchar(10) Parameter 5: RFID_Level1, IN, varchar(10) Parameter 6: RFID_Level2, IN, varchar(10) Parameter 7: RFID_Level3, IN, varchar(10) Parameter 8: RFID_Level4, IN, varchar(10)
Stored Procedure Name: SP701P1 (in Library/Schema - LIBLM7) TagNet Stored Procedure has been created on LPAR: (DEV only). · Stored Procedure Name: SP701P1 (in Library/Schema - LIBLM7) · TagNet Raw Data File: R701P (in Library/Schema - LIBLM7) |
Object_ID |
RFID_datetime |
Trans Type |
Primary |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
C0316 |
20181114083000 |
C0316 |
20181114094523 |
C0316 |
20181114111458 |
C0316 |
20181114130521 |
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